Skrypnikova Ekaterina Michailovna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Associate Professor Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Institute of the History of Humanitarian and Social Education, Novosibirsk state pedagogical university, katrine13@mail.ru, Novosibirsk

Forms of Work of the Class Teacher with Students in the Conditions of Modern Challenges and Requests

Introduction. The state request for the implementation of education is expanding every year and is reflected in such documents as the «Strategy for the Development of Education», the «Decade of Childhood» initiative, the decree «On National Goals and Strategic Objectives for the Development of the Russian Federation», etc. Its content, combined with changing social trends actualizes the search for methodological tools for the implementation of education in an educational organization, including the activities of the class teacher. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to characterize the methodological features of the organization of the forms of work of the class teacher, which contribute to the implementation of individual and dialogue approaches in education. Research methodology. The current ideas of psychological, sociological, pedagogical research are taken as the basis for the disclosure of modern trends in the development of childhood. To reveal the essence of the forms of activity of the class teacher, reliance was placed on dialogic and personal approaches. Research results. The article presents three trends in the development of modern childhood (lack of full-fledged communication; competition between adults as a significant source of information and modern gadgets, technologies for obtaining information; the work of a class teacher with different groups of children (gifted, with special educational needs, infantile, lonely, aggressive, etc.) in the light of the inclusive process and current trends), which actualizes the use of forms of education that have the potential to implement a dialogue and personal approach. These are Case study, training, brainstorming. The article presents a methodical construction of these forms with the disclosure of their educational potential. Conclusion. The activity of the class teacher at the level of using forms of activity constitutes a specific level of the methodology of education and can be effectively implemented taking into account modern trends in the development of childhood based on dialogic and personal approaches.
class teacher; forms of education; case study; training; brainstorming; methods of education; childhood

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