For Authors
1.1. The scientific periodical Siberian Pedagogical Journal is included in the List of the leading peer-reviewed scientific journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation to publish the main results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of science.
1.2. The journal publishes materials on a wide range of theoretical and applied problems in the field of education: scientific articles, scientific reviews, scientific reports, comments.
1.3. The editors do not accept for consideration the materials of previously published scientific articles, as well as materials which do not meet the stated requirements, and promotional materials.
1.4. All articles to be published in the Siberian Pedagogical Journal are reviewed and approved by the editorial board. The editorial board reserves the right to edit articles with the reservation of the author's version of the scientific content. If necessary, the editorial board enters into correspondence with the authors via e-mail and may request the revision of materials. Articles which do not meet the listed requirements are not published and not returned by mail.
1.5. Remuneration (royalty) for published scientific articles is not paid.
1.6. The author (co-authors) is registered on the journal website in accordance with the requirements and conditions below, draws up the necessary materials: accompanying documents, an article.
1.7. Additional conditions for publication are available upon request by email.
1.8. Publication of articles in the journal and delivery of the journal to the authors is carried out on the basis of an agreement on the provision of services for editorial preparation, bringing the text to the required editorial standards adopted in the journal. The notice of the charitable contribution is sent to the author only when the review results allow to take a positive decision on the possibility of publishing the submitted article.
1.9. Postgraduate students are not charged for publishing manuscripts if they provide a certificate of full-time postgraduate studies.
1.10. The editors have the right to partially or fully submit materials of scientific articles to Russian and foreign organizations which provide a scientific citation index, as well as to post these materials on the journal Internet site.
1.11. Duplication of materials Siberian Pedagogical Journal without the permission of the editors is prohibited, references to the journal when citing are required.
2.1. The author provides the editors with the text of the article, the application (Example 4) and an expert opinion on the possibility of publishing the article (Example 5) in the form of separate files in Microsoft Word.
2.2. The manuscript should include the text of the article, an abstract and the author’s reference materials in the Russian and English languages
a) UDC;
b) information about the author;
c) the title of the article;
d) annotation;
e) key words;
f) bibliography
(Example 1).
2.3. The length of the article can be up to 22 thousand printed signs. Manuscripts exceeding the specified amount, shall be admitted to examination in consultation with the Editorial Board. The content and structure of the text should include the following mandatory elements:
• statement of the problem (the question to which an answer is given in the article);
• scientific exposition, the purpose of which is the introduction to the problem;
• analysis of existing methodological approaches to solving this problem;
• description of the research;
• the system of evidence and scientific reasoning;
• the results of the study;
• conclusion (conclusions in accordance with the purpose of the article, the author's contribution).
The article should be written in the language understandable not only to specialists in this field, but also to a wide circle of readers interested in the discussed topic. This may require additional explanation of specific scientific terminology.
The text is printed in Word format, font - Times New Roman, size 14, line spacing - 1.5. Page margins - 2 cm from each edge. Pages should be automatically numbered. The names of foreign authors in the text are given in the original language.
2.4. The Abstract should reflect the content of the article.
The Objectives of the Article.
Methodology and Research Methods.
Research Results.
Keywords (5-10): a keyword, a keyword, a keyword.
The length of an abstract - 1 500 printed signs (Times New Roman font, size 12, single line spacing)
Abstracts in the English language should be written according to the General requirements of GOST 7.9-95, regulatory standards for the preparation of the abstract and annotation. The abstract should consist of not less than 100-250 words and no more than 300 words.
2.5. Keywords: 5-10 words which help find articles in electronic search engines. Times New Roman font, size 11, single spacing, no first line indent, paragraph spacing 12 pt.
2.6. The bibliographic list. It is placed at the end of the article after the subtitle. The list should include scientific sources reflecting the current state of research on the problem. The bibliographic list in Russian is arranged in an alphabetical order according to GOST R 7.05-2008. References to the literature are put in square brackets, placed after the mentioned corresponding source in the text and contain the number of the stated source in the list, or the page when citing (Example 2).
2.7. References in the Latin alphabet should be designed in accordance with the requirements of the journal — using the Harvard Style (see Example 3).
2.8. Figures and tables. The text of the article may include tables, as well as graphic materials (figures, graphs, photographs, etc.). These materials should have continuous numbering, names. All tables and graphic materials should be referenced in the text of the article. In this case, the location of these objects should be after the references to them. Font of inscriptions inside figures, graphs, photographs and other graphic materials is Times New Roman Cyr, size 12, line spacing 1.0 (single). Figures are placed in the text with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, the schemes are performed in the Corel Draw editor.
3.1. The authors register their materials on the journal website.
3.2. The registered materials are sent for consideration for the initial examination of the topic, content and format of the submitted text. In case of non-compliance with one of the requirements accepted in the journal, the article is not considered. A notice about this is sent to the author. The editors do not engage into controversy with the author if he/she disagrees with the decision made.
3.3. Peer-review of manuscripts of articles which have passed the initial examination.
3.3.1. Open internal peer-review (the author and the reviewer know about each other). In this case, the reviewers are persons with a doctor's degree. The list of reviewers is submitted and approved by the editorial board.
3.3.2. A single-blind internal peer-review (the reviewer knows the name of the author, the author does not know the name of the reviewer). It is carried out by the members of the editorial board and the editorial council, formed according to the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission.
3.3.3. A double-blind peer-review (the reviewer and author do not know each other's name). It is carried out in case of submission of discussion materials and controversial evaluation of a member of the editorial board and the editorial council of the journal.
On the basis of the article analysis, the reviewer decides whether to recommend it for publication (without or with revision) or to send it for additional review, if necessary, or to reject it. If the author of the article disagrees with the comments of the reviewer, his/her reasoned statement is considered by the editorial board.
3.4. Scientists who have recognized competence and work in the field, to which the content of the manuscript belongs, are involved in peer-review. The reviewers can be both members of the editorial council and editorial boards of the scientific publication Siberian Pedagogical Journal, as well as highly qualified scientists and specialists of the universities and other organizations and institutions with deep professional knowledge and experience in a specific scientific field. The author or co-author of the peer-reviewed work cannot be a reviewer.
3.5. Reviews of the manuscripts of the articles are kept in the editorial board of the topical series for five years from the date of publication of the articles and can be submitted at the request of the expert councils of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.
3.6. Requirements for the content of the review. The review should contain a qualified analysis of the article’s material, an objective, reasoned evaluation and reasoned recommendations, evaluation of the possibility of its publication in the journal:
- reasoned listing of positive qualities of the material;
- reasoned listing of disadvantages of the material;
- general evaluation of the work and recommendation for the editorial board;
- suggestions on the finalization of the text.
3.7. The review form can be either free or filled in by an expert questionnaire approved by the editorial Board.
3.8. The editorial Board has the right to reject the manuscript if it does not meet the requirements for scientific publications, contains signs of libel, insult, plagiarism or copyright infringement. In the case of a negative assessment of the manuscript in General the reviewer is motivated to justify their conclusions.
3.9. In case of positive examination and consent of the members of the editorial Board, the article is included in the publication plan of the relevant thematic section of the journal with the notification of the author.
3.10. When receiving a review of the article with comments on the possibility of publication, the Executive Secretary sends the author by e-mail the manuscript of the article with the wording "For revision" with comments. Answers to all the comments of the reviewer should be attached to the revised manuscript of the article. The accompanying documents to the manuscript of the article are reissued only if the title of the article changes significantly or the author's team changes during the revision.
3.11. In case of rejection of the manuscript by the reviewer, the author is sent a reasoned refusal: a letter of notification.
3.12. The editorial Board reserves the right to reject articles in case of inability or unwillingness of the author to consider the wishes of the editorial Board. If there are negative reviews of the manuscript from two different reviewers or one negative review of its revised version, the article is rejected without consideration by other members of the editorial Board.
3.13. The procedure of reviewing and approval of articles takes from 1 to 1.5 months, then the articles are published in order of priority. The editorial Board has the right to decide on the extraordinary publication of the article. 3.14. Articles of graduate students are accepted and submitted for review only if there is a positive review of the supervisor. The editorial policy of the journal is based on the traditional ethical principles of Russian scientific periodicals, supports the Code of ethics of scientific publications, formulated by the Committee on ethics of scientific publications (Russia, Moscow) (
The editorial policy of the journal is based on the traditional ethical principles of the Russian scientific periodicals, supports the Code of ethics of scientific publications, formulated by the Committee on the ethics of scientific publications (Russia, Moscow)
Our address: Russia, 630126, Novosibirsk, Vilyuiskaya St. 28, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical Journal, the editorial Board of "Siberian pedagogical journal»
Tel/Fax: +7 (383) 244-12-95.
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