Tulunova Soelma V.
Applicant of the Department of General Pedagogics, Buryat State University named after Dorzhi Banzarov, stulunov@mail.ru, Ulan-Ude
Ruliene Lyubov N
Доктор педагогических наук, Professor, Professor of the Department of General Pedagogy, Buryat State University named after Dorji Banzarov, ruliene@bsu.ru, Ulan-Ude

Phrasebooks and Dictionaries in the Formation of Cross-Cultural Competences of Chinese Students Studying Russian

A key indicator of the quality of professional education is the employment of graduates, including those in the international labor market. The noticeable interest in Russian language learning within the framework of China’s international initiative “One Belt, One Road” is caused by the need to train transnational personnel for international corporations. Therefore, one of the tasks of modern educational practice is to find effective means of forming cross-cultural competences in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The aim of the article is to identify the potential of phrasebooks and dictionaries in the formation of cross-cultural competences of students. On the basis of the study of scientific articles and dissertations, methodological literature the potential of phrasebooks and dictionaries in the formation of cross-cultural competence of Chinese students studying Russian will be substantiated. Methodology and research methods. Within the framework of this article we relied on axiological, sociocultural and interdisciplinary approaches. The method of aspect analysis of scientific and scientific-methodological texts in Russian, English and Chinese was used. Results of the research. Reference textbooks on Russian as a foreign language - phrasebooks and dictionaries can be the means of formation of cross-cultural competences. Russian-Chinese phrasebooks and dictionaries should enhance the potential of forming cross-cultural competences of students. Conclusion. Phrasebooks are considered as a tool to overcome speech errors, a means of incultural socialization of foreign students. Phrasebooks perform the role of a living foreign language as they contain ready-made culturally specific texts for actual speech activities in the multicultural linguistic community. Under the conditions of transnational production relations the educational potential of phrasebooks is expanded in the context of forming cross-cultural competences of students.
cross-cultural competences; Chinese students; Russian-Chinese vocabulary

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