Demakova Irina D.
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Prof., Prof. of the Department of Psychological Anthropology, Institute of Childhood, Moscow Pedagogical State University, idd1938@yandex.ru, Moscow

Longitudinal Method of Researching the Results of the Educational Activities of a Teacher

Introduction to the problem. Scientists associate the modern development of longitudinal methods with the development of data analysis methods, which are determined at the stage of research planning, as well as when testing hypotheses about development, about long-term or delayed effects of experimental influences. In its most general form, longitudinal can be understood as a group of methods characterized, in contrast to cross-sectional studies, by the presence of several repeated measurements of one or more variables of interest to the researcher on the material of the same or similar groups of subjects. The purpose of the article is to determine the conditions for the effectiveness of the results of the educational activities of teachers, the development of the concept of the educational activities of the teacher as a factor in the humanization of the space of childhood. The longitudinal method in the field of education is described, when the teacher works steadily for a long time with the same group of children for a period of time sufficient to determine significant changes in their behavior, worldview, etc. Research results. The article includes an analysis of three sections: 1963–1966; 1967–1978; 1979–2011. The educational activity of a teacher (class teacher), aimed at humanizing the space of childhood, provides a process of step-by-step and systematic transformation of a spontaneously assembled group of children (participants in a longitudinal study) into a cohort: a group of associates, people strongly united by common ideas, goals and aspirations. Conclusion. The use of longitudinal methods in pedagogy is very promising: they help to trace the influence of external factors, various events or incidents on a child’s life over a certain period of time; give the teacher the opportunity to observe the child for a specific period of time, to record changes in his psychological, physical and mental state, to ensure the process of forming his personality, to study the properties of his character.
education; longitudinal research; educational activity; teacher; childhood space

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