Smyshlyaev Dmitry V.
Director, Kuzbass Center for Physical Education of Children, cd-80@mail.ru, Kemerovo
Kazin Еduard Mikhaylovich
Доктор биологических наук, Dr. Sci. (Biolog.), Prof. of the Department of Physiology and Genetics, Kemerovo State University, kazin_valeol@mail.ru, Kemerovo
Kirichenko Vladimir V.
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Head of structural division ”Pool”, Secondary School No. 36, kirichenkov68@gmail.com, Kemerovo
Panina Tatyana S.
Доктор педагогических наук, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Advisor to the Rector, Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts, panina1510@mail.ru, Moscow
Koshko Natalya N.
Кандидат биологических наук, Cand. Sci. (Biological), methodologist, Kuzbass Regional Center for Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical and Social Assistance “Health and Personal Development”, koshko80@mail.ru, Kemerovo

The Development of Cognitive Motivation and Adaptive Potential of Adolescents, Depending on the Conditions of Conducting Educational and Training Activities in Physical Culture and Sports in the System of Additional Education

The purpose of the article is to identify the features of the development of the personal potential of adolescents in the system of additional education of physical culture and sports orientation on the basis of psychophysiological and psychological and social characteristics of adolescent students. The interrelation between adaptive and developmental parameters of students engaged in various sports and non-sports is analyzed: the features of psychophysiological and personal indicators of adolescents engaged in school sports clubs and organizations of supplementary education of various sports profiles are investigated. Methodology. In the process of identifying the features of the adaptive and developing potential of adolescents engaged in school sports clubs of secondary schools and adolescents engaged in additional education organizations, we studied the parameters of physical development, psychosocial characteristics, taking into account internal and external development resources of students. The results of the study. The interrelation of cognitive activity and socio-psychological adaptation, cognitive activity and experience of physical culture and sports activities, sports skills among students of school sports clubs is established: the higher the level of socio-psychological adaptation, the more significant the experience of organized motor activity and the results of competitive activity, the higher the cognitive activity of students. It is shown that in the process of selecting students for youth sports, a significant place belongs to the motive of self-development and the motive of achievement. In conclusion, it is concluded that the obtained results clearly demonstrate that the integration of motor and cognitive activities, in addition to the social and health effect, contributes to the formation of cognitive motivation for self-development, aimed at activating the moral and normative values of individual socialization and ensuring the achievement of high educational and sports results.
personal potential; additional education of physical culture and sports orientation; adolescents; psychosocial and psychophysiological characteristics of personality

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