Konovalova Marina D.
Кандидат психологических наук, Cand. Sci. (Psychol.), Assist. Prof. of the Department of Special Needs Education, head of the Scientific and Methodological Center of Psychological and Pedagogical Support for Families with Children Having Special Educational Needs, Saratov State University, mdkonovalova@gmail.com, Saratov

Study of the Psychological State of Mothers on the Basis of the Support Center for Families with Children Having Special Educational Needs

The purpose of the research is to study the dynamics of anxiety manifestations, the tendency to depression and psychological stress in mothers, who are raising children with disabilities, during their participation in the activities of public parent associations. The study presents three stages in the development of a public parent organization functioning in cooperation with the Support Center for Families with Children Having Special Educational Needs. Methodology. Numerous studies of psychological conditions, behavioral and personal characteristics of mothers raising children with disabilities indicate the prevalence of prolonged psychological traumatization, which is accompanied by negative consequences for the mother’s personality and the family as a whole. However, there is evidence that an extreme traumatic situation can be considered not only as a source of personality problems, but also as an incentive to its growth and development. One of the conditions for post-traumatic personal growth is the social support factor, which should have a prolonged impact in the case under study. The results of the study. The implementation of such techniques as “The Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale”, “PSM-25 Perceived Stress Scale”, “Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale” results in confirming the hypothesis of a relative decrease in the manifestation of anxiety, propensity for depression and susceptibility to stress in the studied subjects during the three years of their active participation in the work of a public parent association. This may indicate stabilization of their psychological state and possibilities of transition to a more optimal level of personal functioning. The conclusion is made about the possibility of using the data obtained in the system of psychological and pedagogical support for families raising children with disabilities.
mothers of children with disabilities; psychological state; stress; depression; anxiety; post-traumatic personal growth

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