Khaltubaeva Klara A.
postgraduate student, Department of General Pedagogy, Dorzhi Banzarov Buryat State University, cler93@mail.ru, Ulan-Ude
Ruliene Lyubov N.
Доктор педагогических наук, Professor, Department of General Pedagogy, Dorzhi Banzarov Buryat State University, ruliene@bsu.ru, Ulan-Ude

Education of Value Attitude to Family among Adolescents in the World of Social Networks

The article reveals the problems of family education in the digital society. The “Childfree” movement, which emerged in Western Europe on the basis of the feminist movement, promotes the ideas of freedom and independence from the family. Supporters of the anti-family movement in Korea (“Sampo Generation”) advocate voluntary childlessness. These movements pose the strongest threat not only to the institution of the family, but also to the entire human society, denying traditional spiritual and moral values. The negative impact of social networks is manifested in the fact that barriers of communication between parents and children are created. It is proposed to develop a model of integration of educational interactions of teachers, children and their parents on the Internet. The school is considered as a social practice that relies on the infrastructure that includes material and social resources, including social networks. The benefits of social media and gadgets should be competently utilized. The content of social networks should be filled with strong Russian traditions of family education. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the relevance of the problem of education of value relations to the family in adolescents in the world of social networks. The research methodology is based on the poly-subject strategy of upbringing. The scientific literature was analyzed using the apperception method. Methodology and research methods. The development of the problem of education of value relations to the family in adolescents in the digital society is based on a poly-subject strategy of education. The scientific literature was analyzed using the apperception method. The result of the study is the formulation of scientific and pedagogical tasks related to the justification, development and testing of the model of digital educational environment of the school that promotes the education of value relations to the family in adolescents, providing pedagogization of the Internet environment. Such a model of digital educational environment of the school will be a means of pedagogization of social networks at the level of prevention, protection and management. Pedagogization of social networks should be evaluated with the help of informational, normative, activity, diagnostic indicators.
social networks; family; value attitude to family; pedagogization

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