Bystrushkin Sergey Konstantinovich
Доктор биологических наук, Professor of the Department of Science Education and Information Systems, Anapa branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Pedagogical State University", bistrushkin@mail.ru, Anapa
Shchemirskaya Olga Andreevna
First category teacher of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Education and Design, Anapa branch of Moscow State Pedagogical University, sherbina2205olga@yandex.ru, , Anapa
Mikityuk Natalya Vasilievna
Кандидат психологических наук, Associate Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Head of the Department of Psychologi-cal and Pedagogical Education, Anapa branch of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, uo.mikinatali@mail.ru , Anapa

Influence of Personal, Psychofunctional Qualities Students for the Formation of Professional Artistic Skills

Problem and goal. The article presents materials from a study of the problem of the influence of personal, psychofunctional qualities of students on the effectiveness of the formation of professional skills in visual activity. The study of the innate psycho-functional inclinations of perceptual perception on the process of forming students’ imaginative thinking makes it possible to improve the quality of learning and effectively implement the acquired skills to create an artistic image. The development of students’ creative abilities in the process of professional training allows them to develop an interest in independent intellectual activity and improve professional skills in creative activities. The purpose of the article is to study the influence of personal, psychofunctional qualities of students in the “Design” direction on the formation of professional skills in visual arts. Methodology. The study used methods for assessing the creative thinking of students: Personal creative characteristics of F. Williams (1980), E. E. Tunik. Self-organization of activities Mandrikova E. Yu. Assessment of students’ mastery of graphic skills was carried out according to generally accepted criteria for visual activity. The results obtained were processed by methods of mathematical statistics using the software package “Statistica 10.0 for Windows”. Studying the problem of developing the creative potential of the innate, creative inclinations of the individual allows us to solve the problem of developing professional skills in visual arts. The results of the study indicate that the formation of professional skills in visual arts is determined by individual, innate inclinations of creative thinking; imagination, curiosity, the ability to find new solutions and apply complex techniques when performing a drawing. At the same time, determination in combination with self-organization of educational activities is the basis for the effective development of artistic and professional skills. Conclusion. As a result of the study, it was found that the effectiveness of the formation of professional skills in visual arts among students is determined by the innate inclinations of creative thinking: purposefulness, focus on the present, attentive attitude to the technique of representation, in combination with self-organization of educational activities, such as a necessary condition for the effectiveness of mastering professional skills, at the same time, for students with a dominant, passive, sensory-emotional perception of the world around them, orderliness and perseverance, as indicators of self-organization of activity, have a relatively subjective nature of application in the process of visual activity.
visual activity; innate abilities; self-organization; psychofunctional qualities; vocational training; creative thinking; self-organization of activity

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