Iskhakov Rinad Hakimullovich
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof., Assoc. Prof. the Department of Professional Pedagogy and Psychology, Russian State Professional Pedagogical University, iskhak@list.ru, Ekaterinburg

Transformation of the Competencies of Students of a Pedagogical University in the Process of Organizing Professional and Mobile Practice

To the problem statement. The article deals with the problem of training profes-sional and pedagogical personnel, which does not meet the modern requirements of professional ed-ucation of future teachers, who are called upon to teach students of the secondary vocational educa-tion system after graduating from a vocational pedagogical university. The basis of this problem is the duality of the content of the activity of teachers, who need to possess not only psychological and pedagogical competencies, but also to master the experience of professional activity in working specialties. This requires a comprehensive transformation of the psychological, pedagogical and professional production competencies of the future teacher of the vocational education system. The purpose of the article is to show that in a professionally oriented environment, the trans-formation of competencies, the complex professional and personal formation of the future teacher of the secondary vocational education system (SPE) is more successfully carried out. The author of the article suggests a solution to this problem through the organization of an industrial practice, which he modernizes as a professionally mobile practice. R. H. Iskhakov argues that the professional personal quality formed in the conditions of this type of practice as professional mobility will contribute to the transformation of the psychological, pedagogical and professional production competencies of the future teacher of the vocational education system. Professional mobility is becoming one of the key conditions for the transformation of the competencies of a future teacher of vocational education. The author of the article presents the basic concepts of transformation and professional mobility at a sufficient and necessary level in the context of the article. The article has scientific and methodological significance, as it presents the methodology of organizing professional and mobile practice. Not only types of practices are presented. but also elective courses that students master before starting the practice itself. Successful organization of professional and mobile practice is possible on the basis of a dual approach to the organization of training – mutual cooperation between representatives of the university and educational organizations of vocational education, on the basis of which the above–mentioned practice of students of a vocational pedagogical university is conducted. In this collaboration, the important role of the master mentor is defined. This concept has been tested in the context of scientific research, the results of which the au-thor presented in the article. The level of formation of professional mobility among students in the conditions of scientific research will be determined by integral criteria: communicative, research competence and adaptability Conclusion. The professional development of a modern teacher largely depends on professional mobility, adaptability, the need for self-improvement, readiness and ability to master new competencies, which is due to rapid changes in personal and professional qualities and types of activity.
teacher; professional mobility; competencies; transformation; adaptability; self-development

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