Tsatrev Yuri V.
Кандидат технических наук, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Assist. Prof. of the Department of Information Systems, Institute of Digital Systems, Yaroslavl State Technical University, tsarevyv@ystu.ru, Yaroslavl

The possibilities of the Teams information system in creating a digital footprint of first-year students

The article examines in detail the problem of assessing the involvement of first-year students in the educational process and the degree of assimilation of knowledge using digital technologies that make it possible to obtain a student’s digital footprint. The purpose of the article is to present the technology for obtaining digital footprint data when teaching first-year students at Yaroslavl State Technical University in the discipline “Information Systems Architecture” in the MS Teams environment and to show options for performing digital footprint analysis. Methodology. The formation of digital footprint data was carried out in the process of lecture surveys, work on laboratory assignments and passing an exam. To obtain a digital footprint, information systems MS Teams, MS Excel, MS Forms were used. Data obtained in the MS Teams environment was subjected to pre-processing, cleaning, merging tables, and adding (deleting) attributes. The generated tables were analyzed using classification and cluster analysis to search for non-trivial knowledge. Cluster analysis allows us to identify groups of students who successfully complete lecture and exam testing and those who have difficulties completing test tasks. The analysis allows us to identify the level of complexity of tasks and allows for their adjustment. A comparison of the success of completing tasks during the lecture course and in the exam gives an idea of the students’ ability to prepare for participation in testing and the ability to memorize large volumes of complex scientific and technical information.
digital footprint; MS Teams; cluster analysis; information systems; information culture

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