Liu Weizhan
graduate student, Department of General Pedagogy, Dorzhi Banzarov Buryat State University, liuweiran126@126.com, Улан-Удэ

Digital Technologies in Teaching Foreign Students in Universities in China

Chinese language learning has become an important means of spreading and influencing Chinese culture in the world. Therefore, the catalog of specialties of the Ministry of Education has introduced the“International Chinese Language Education”program to train teachers of Chinese as a foreign language. The Chinese government pays special attention to the quality teaching of Chinese to foreigners, and given the post-pandemic experience, to develop a new model for teaching Chinese as a foreign language. The purpose of the article is to identify the principles of digital technology application in teaching foreign students in Chinese higher education institutions in the context of massive and deep penetration of digital technology in international Chinese language education based on analyzing the results of the experimental work carried out on the basis of Nanchang University. The research methodology includes interdisciplinary approach, system analysis, method of concretization, method of collecting and analyzing data on students’ academic performance, method of generalization, which allowed us to comprehensively consider the role of digital technologies in international Chinese language education and analyze the results of experimental work. It is concluded that digital technologies increase motivation in Chinese language learning, but cannot fully replace a live teacher. The results of the study expand the knowledge about the forms and methods of teaching foreign students in Chinese universities, show the advantages and problems of using digital technologies in international Chinese language education. The novelty consists in the fact that in the process of experimental work in 2020-2022, the possibilities of online platforms (“Global Platform for Chinese Language Learning”, “Chinese Plus”, “Intelligent System for International Chinese Language Education”), export-oriented multimedia dictionary (“JUZI Chinese”), artificial intelligence technology in the practice of international Chinese language education were studied. On the basis of the research, the principles of digital technology application in international Chinese language education are proposed: the principle of didactic rationality, the principle of integrativeness, the principle of competence. Recommendations for the use of digital technologies in international Chinese language education are also developed: digital technologies should motivate students’ daily learning activities, it is necessary to develop written assignments for video content, take into account the negative aspects of online classes to guide and manage students’ cognitive activities. The article is addressed to university teachers, including teachers of Chinese as a foreign language, as well as to all those who are interested in the problems of digital transformation of education.
Chinese language international education; digital technology; artificial intelligence; online learning platform

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