Orlyanskaya Aleksandra Valerievna
Head of the Department of propaganda of the BDD Department of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Tolyatti, ТГУ, aleksorlyanskaya@mail.ru, Tolyatti

Social Partnership as an Innovative Resource for the Professional Development of Teachers in the Professional Development System

Introduction. The article highlights the problem of the participation of social partners in the renewal and implementation of professional development programs for teaching staff. Analyzing the existing interpretations of the term “social partnership in education”, the author emphasizes the importance of this approach for the development of the modern system of additional education. The purpose of the work: based on the study and analysis of domestic and foreign experience, to substantiate, develop and implement a teacher training program to update competencies in demand in professional activities with the participation of social partners. Methodology and research methods. The methodological basis of the study is the analysis of theoretical research and the generalization of their own experience in implementing a teacher training program for teaching children safe behavior on the roads with the involvement of social partners. The experimental testing of the program took place at the Zhiguli Valley Center for Additional Education in Tolyatti. The results of the study. The author analyzes the literature on the experience of educational organizations interacting with institutions and departments. It is revealed that the subject of cooperation is determined by a specific strategic goal aimed at improving professional activities in the education system. The author formulates the principles, forms and methods of interaction of social partners in education. The article describes the main stages of interaction with social partners in the implementation of the professional development program “Prevention of child traffic injuries”. The author’s experience in implementing a teacher training program in the field of teaching children safe behavior on the roads is relevant in the light of improving the level of road safety for students. Conclusion. As a result of the research, the author emphasizes that the involvement of social partners in the process of developing and implementing an educational program has increased the motivation of teachers to organize preventive work with children, enriched their methodological training, and shown mechanisms for cooperation (methods and technologies) with interested departments. .
social partnership in education; professional development of teachers; teaching children safe behavior on the roads

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