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Zhaksylykov Ruslan Fatihovich
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Commander-in-chief of the National guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, National guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan,, Astana
Mukhamedina Elvira Zhumabekovna
Teacher of the Pedagogy and Psychology Department of the Military Institute of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Institute of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan,, Petropavlovsk


The article deals with the peculiarities of forming the professional training system for the military teaching staff under conditions of globalization and integration into the world education sphere. The main goal of professional training is matching the contents and quality of officer training with the requirements of the time, ensuring guaranteed and steady staffing of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Views on the role and place of a well-educated, mobile and competent military instructor, who is ready for life and service in conditions of instability and altering situations, are changing. The key factors in achieving success for military institutions of higher education, as well as in training highly-competent officers for Armed Forces, other troops and military formations of the Republic of Kazakhstan are systemacy and quality of training the teaching staff for military institutions of higher education. The basis for successful pedagogical activities lies in substantial pedagogical preparation, pedagogical competence, pedagogical culture and skill, the knowledge of the theory and methods of professional pedagogy.
professional training system; military instructor; National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, contents and quality of professional training

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