Suhovey Elena Alekseevna
Кандидат филологических наук, Docent of the Pedagogics and Methodology of elementary education Department, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, suhovey2001@mail.ru, Novosibirsk


The article describes the peculiarities of the work of counselors in children’s camps in the sports squad or on the sports shift, identified as a result of reflection upon experience of the author, and monitoring of pedagogical practice of students. These include the specificity of team sports as the already established mixed-age groups with their leaders, values and traditions, organizational difficulties associated with the peculiarities of the mode of the day sportsmen, the conflict of values counselor and coach, inadequate requirements for counselor leadership camp, etc. To such conditions counselors are not always trained and therefore from the internship and camp management needs increased attention to the organization of educational process on sports shifts. Special attention is paid to the recommendations for overcoming the difficulties in the relationship counselor a coach and teacher, children, camp leadership, and building constructive cooperation.
kids camp, camp counselor, sports staff, interpersonal relations.

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