Ammosova Nadegda Vasilevna
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of pedagogical education, Professor of the Department of Mathematics of the Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan State University, n_ammosova@mail.ru, Astrakhan
Lobanova Natalia Ivanovna
Additional qualification courses teacher Center of extracurricular activities, Center of extracurricular activities, lobantchik@yandex.ru, Zelenokumsk


The problem of training of pupils at the solution of one of types of incorrect tasks, namely, of tasks with the equation with more, than one unknown is considered. Within compulsory school education the insufficient attention is paid to such tasks while such tasks are set most often for us by reality. Therefore it is expedient to be engaged in the solution of incorrect tasks on occupations with pupils in system of additional education. The main objectives of mathematical additional education are formulated, the need in use of the praktiko-focused tasks which illustrate the importance of applied character of mathematics is noted. As the main method the method of mathematical modeling is chosen. The technique of the training of teenagers for the decision of specified tasks is described, examples are given.
practice-oriented problems, mathematical modeling, additional education, Diophantine equations.

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2. Ammosova, N. V., 2015. Metodiko-matema-icheskaja podgotovka buduschih uchitelej matematiki v sootvetstvii s zadachami sovremennosti [Teaching mathematics future mathematics teachers in accordance with the objectives of our time]. Astrakhan: AIPKP Publ., 256 p. (in Russ.).
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