Gladyshev Iuri Vladimirovich
Доктор медицинских наук, Professor of the Department of labour Economics and management staff, NSUEM, sir.yu-oskar2012@yandex.ru, Novosibirsk


The article discusses temperament, anxiety (situational and personal) and psychological protection. For the assessment of temperament was used the questionnaire of V. M. Rusalova. To determine the level of personal and situational anxiety used methods CH. d. Spielberg-Khanin Yu. L. A study of first-year students NSUEM showed that part of them already belongs to a highly anxious type. In the study of the results of the correlation matrix revealed that there are significant correlation between the individual scales of temperament and psychological types of protection. In the analysis of respondents according to the criterion of the level of personal and situational anxiety was discovered that the correlation between the index psychomotor activity projection and compensation with increasing levels of anxiety is becoming a significant stronger.
temperament, personality and situational anxiety, psychological defense, correlation analysis.

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