159.928.23 +304.5
Kuznetsova Alvina Yakovlevna
Доктор философских наук, Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof.oftheDepartmentofTheoryandMethodsofPreschool Education, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, phileducation@yandex.ru, Novosibirsk


Free education and scientific and technological development of the society have a common natural source – the spiritual potential of the human being.Spiritual development of society is possible only if an active full-fledged spiritual life of its citizens.Over time, the relationship between the direction of individual development and the direction of the formation of the whole society is becoming less apparent.A further innovative development of society puts the task of preserving the integrity of both society and the individual with the concurrence of their interaction.At the same time the spiritual potential of the individual acts as a natural constant, invariant social environment for its development of innovative scientific and technological reality.
education, freedom, civilization, technology, endowments, the individual, society.

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