Polyakov Sergej Danilovich
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Prof. of the Department of Psychology, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, sdpolyakov@mail.ru, Ulyanovsk
Averyanov Petr Gennadevich
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Psychology, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, avepetr@gmail.com, Ulyanovsk

"Three-mirror" of the teacher's activity on the lesson

The article describes the results and results of an interdisciplinary study of the daily professional activities of a modern Russian teacher. A well-known empirical fact is taken as the basis of the research, that there is no single picture independent of the "author" of the picture of what pedagogical activity is. This empirical fact, in the framework of the research, is presented in the form of a meta-mirror of the "Treserkalya": reflecting the activity of teachers in the professional consciousness of the teacher himself, reflecting his actions in the minds of students (directly in contact with the teacher) and reflecting the professional activity of teachers in the "mirror" of direct perception of researchers- Observers. However, none of these "visions" are considered in the study as final. The article presents the results of analysis of 35 lessons of "traditional" subjects held in 6-9 classes of general schools in Ulyanovsk. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of discrepancies in the triple vision of the lesson allows us to put forward hypotheses about the possible causes of different visions, to draw a conclusion about the representation of the activity approach in the subjective reality of the teacher, in his image of the "ideal teacher".
professional activity of the teacher, interdisciplinary research, teacher's actions in the lesson, professional consciousness of the teacher, activity approach.

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