Silkina Olga Sergeevna
Postgraduate Student in at the Faculty of Education Training and Psychology, Siberian State University of Railway Engineering, olg.silckina@yandex.ru , Novosibirsk

Patriotic education in the process of art education schoolchildren: axiological approach

The article reviews actual legal and regulatory documents on patriotic education of young people on the federal and local levels. The paper identifies the problems and peculiarities of the legal framework in this area. The defining moment of patriotic education is creation of optimal forms, methods and instruments, conforming the requirements of current generation. Based on this special attention should be paid to the content of educational subject in in the context of supplementary education, having the greatest opportunity for education in the implementation of Patriotic education of youth. The content of such training is determined not so much by their level of knowledge, skills and competences, as the formation of the value system of personality that directly affect the development of Patriotic and moral and spiritual values of personality.
patriotism, patriotic education, legal and regulatory aspects of patriotic education, value system, art education.

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