General and peculiar approaches to the enterprising formation in contemporary schools in the USA, Germany and China
1. Grass, T. P., 2015. Great Britain, the USA and New Zealand: the formation of entrepreneurial culture for school students. Krasnoyarsk: V. P. Astafiev KSPU Publ., 351 p.
2. Grass, T. P., Petrishchev, V. I., Latynina, E. S., 2016. The formation of the enterprising and the culture of entrepreneurship of school students in the USA and China. Proceedings of V. P. Astafiev KSPU, 3 (37), p. 6–11. (In Russ., abstract in Eng.)
3. Grass, T. P., Petrishchev, V. I., Rybakova, E. V., 2014. Innovative approach to enterprising and the culture of entrepreneurship formation for migrant school students in practice of secondary schools in Great Britain and the USA. Siberian pedagogical journal, 1, pp. 186–191. (In Russ.).
4. Dui, D., 1925. School and society. Moscow: Rabotnik prosveshhenija Publ., 127 p. (In Russ.).
5. Emelianova, N. I., 2009. Intergation of school and professional training of youth in colleges in the USA (historical and pedagogical study). Cand. Diss. Moscow, 173 p. (In Russ.).
6. Kheder, E., Lubich, M., Nola, L., 2011. Teaching enterprising as a key competency Level 2 ISCED. Zagreb: Magnus Gubernator d.o.o. Publ., 84 p. (In Russ.).
7. Baum, J. R., Locke, E. A., 2004. The relationship of entrepreneurial traits, skill, and motivation to subsequent venture growth. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89 (4), pp. 587–589. (In Eng.).
8. De Atiles, J., & Allexsaht-Snide, M. Effective approaches to teaching young Mexican immigrant children. Retrieved May 25, 2017 from (2003) № 3 [online]. Available at: http://www. (accessed 10.06.2017) (In Eng.).
9. McClelland D., 1965. Need achievement and entrepreneurship: a longitudinal study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1, pp. 45. (In Eng.).
10. Stern, D., 2017. Enterprise and Education: A View from China Executive Summary. Available at: http://ncrve. /CW82/Executive Summary.html/ (accessed 2 July 2017) (In Eng.).
11. Roebuck, D., Brawley, D., 1996. Forging Links between academic and business communities. Journal of Education for business, Jan.71 (3), p. 125. (In Eng.).
12. Zhiqun, Zhao, 2017. School-enterprise Cooperation in Chinas Vocational Education and Training. Available at: http://www.Keynote2-Zhiqun Zhao-School-Enterprise Cooperation in China s Vocational Education and Training.pdf (In Eng.).
13. Josten, M., van Elkan, M., 2010. Unternehmergeist in die Schulen?! Ergebnisse aus der Inmit-Studie zu Entrepreneurship Education-Projekten an deutschen Schulen. Herausgegeben vom Ministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie, Reihe Mittelstandspolitik, Existenzgründungen, Dienstleistungen, Berlin. S. 10-11. Available at: fileadmin/ user_upload/ (accessed 25 June 2017) (In Germ.).
14. Alt, S., Baharian, A., Kummer, J., 2015. Entrepreneurship Education Begeisterung wecken, Talente entdecken. Eschborn. 76 S. Available at: gruendung/ leitfaden/ entrepreneurship-education/ hintergrundwissen-zum-thema-entrepreneurship-education/ begeisterung-wecken-talente-entdecken-was-entrepreneurship-education-bewirkt/ (accessed 25 June 2017) (In Germ.).
15. Sekretariat der Ständigen Konferenz der Kultusminister der Länder in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Wirtschaftliche Bildung an allgemein bildenden Schulen. Bericht der Kultusministerkonferenz vom 19.10.2001 i.d.F. vom 27.06.2008. Berlin. 128 S. Available at: fileadmin/Dateien/ veroeffentlichungen_beschluesse/2001/2001_10_19-Wirtschaftliche-Bildung-allg-Schulen.pdf (accessed 30 May 2017) (In Germ.).