Volosovets Tatyana Vladimirovna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand.Dr. Sci.(Pedag.), Prof., Institute for Childhood Studying, Family and Upbringing, Russian Academy of Education, ippdrao@yandex.ru, Moscow

Standard of preschool education and prospects of implementation of the idea of childhood of saving

The prospects of the preschool education development on the basis of the childhood saving idea are considered in the article. In this context, the experience of designing the pre-school education standard is analyzed, which was carried out with the direct participation of the author of the article, and the implementation of the standard in practice. The author reflects on the peculiarities of the pre-school education standard, which is not a standard of result, but a standard of conditions; on the correlation of such concepts as "standardization" and "variability", on designing in the pre-school educational organization of the educational environment, the principle of modularity in the design of educational programs, and other aspects of the development of pre-school education on the basis of the standard. As the main vector of the development of preschool education, the author defines childhood as a goal and result of pre-school education; leading idea, defining the attitude to childhood as a self-valuable phenomenon and a vision of the essence of pedagogical activity in creating conditions for the saving of childhood in preschool education, individualization, actualization of the subjectivity of the child in the course of safe, developing, socializing life activity.
preschool education, childhood, educational standard.

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