Plyushcheva Natalia Sergeevna
Teacher in Ural State University of Physical Culture, Ekaterinburg Institute of Physical Culture (branch) of the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State University of Physical Culture", afk-ural@mail.ru, Ekaterinburg

Interactive teaching of the pedagogical communication of students as a factor of their professional competence

The article is devoted to search of ways of improvement of pedagogical communication of the student. The authors see the problem in the effective use of interactive learning pedagogical communication pedagogical subjects. The obtained results allow to assert that during the formative experiment significantly increased the proportion of students with a high level of pedagogical communication. The results of the technique show that most of students give a high evaluation of its activities is in the process of interactive learning, higher rate of meaningful saturation and interactive lessons, a variety of forms and methods of their implementation.
educational process, interactive learning, pedagogical communication, the students of the University.

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