Agavelyan Ruben Oganesovich
Доктор психологических наук, Dr. Sci. (Psychol.), Prof., Prof. of the Department of Special Education and Psychology of the Institute for Childhood, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, ruben_h_ag@mail.ru, Novosibirsk
Agavelyan Oganes Karapetovich
Доктор психологических наук, Professor of the Department of Special Education and Psychology of the Institute of the childhood, Novosibirsk state pedagogical university, oganesagavelyan@yandex.ru, Novosibirsk


Problem and purpose. The review on a problem of influence of a voice and its characteristics on process of identification and the emotional relation of persons with intellectual insufficiency to the interlocutor is presented in article that is significant diagnostic criterion of formation socially – perceptual compliance of the personality. The main questions and structure of nineteen component voice codes as instrument of communication of people with intellectual insufficiency are reflected. The perspective of identification of social efficiency in activity and communication in the course of reflection of significant another is described. Fea-tures and specifics of formation of the relations in a dyad are characterized. The most significant components of a voice code are characterized. The voice is pre-sented as the tool of assessment of the personality and the forecast of her probabil-istic manifestations to situations of interpersonal communication.
social perception, voice, social adaptation, intellectual insufficiency, intonation, extralinguistic signs, paralinguistic signs, identification, empathy, tolerance, psychological correction

1. Agavelyan, O. K., Agavelyan, R. O., 2010. Voice of the person as psychological phenomenon: monograph. - Novosibirsk, publishing house NIPKiPRO,– 4-305 pages.
2. Agavelyan, O. K., Agavelyan, R. O., Ryumina, T. V., 2013. Voice, the speech and the personality in special psychology the monograph; Novosib. state. ped. un-t. - Novosibirsk: NGPU, - 211 p.
3. Agavelyan, O.K., Agavelyan, R. O., Ryumina T. V., 2013. Modern researches in correctional psychology and pedagogics. - Novosibirsk: NGPU, - 169 p.
4. Agavelyan, O. K., Agavelyan, R.O., Modern theoretical and applied aspects of special psychology and correctional pedagogics: monograph. - Novosibirsk: NIP-KiPRO, 2004. - 412 p.
5. Agavelyan, R. O., Voytyuk D. K., Readiness for activity of the psychologist: re-flexive activity of the personality: monograph. - Novosibirsk: NGPU, 2013. - 217 p.
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9. Jane Edwardsa, Henry J. Jacksonb , Philippa E. Pattisonb., Erratum to ‘‘Emotion recognition via facial expression and affective prosody in schizophrenia: A meth-odological review’’ [Clinical Psychology Review 22 (2002) 789–832] a Depart-ments of Psychology and Psychiatry, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia b Department of Psychology, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victo-ria, Australia Received 3 March 1999; accepted 13 January 2000
10. Laszlo Toth*, Ildiko Hoffmann, Gabor Gosztolya, Veronika Vincze, Greta Szatloczki, Zoltan Banreti,Magdolna Pakaski, Janos Kalman. A Speech Recogni-tion-based Solution for the Automatic Detection of Mild Cognitive Impairment from Spontaneous Speech: Current Alzheimer Research; Volume 15, Issue 2, 2018