Кuzina Nadezhda Sergeevna
Teacher. Municipal educational institution Undorovskiy Lyceum, Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I. N. Ulyanov, pashanova2009@yandex.ru, Ulyanovsk region, Russia

Model of the development of the school class as a factor of upbringing of senior adolescents

This article describes the model of the development of the school class as a factor in the upbringing of senior adolescents, on the basis of which experimental work was conducted in one of the teenage classes. When analyzing the object of research, we relied on the system, subject, activity, reflexive and information approaches, the content analysis of which is presented in the article as applied to the research topic. The characteristics of target, normative-theoretical, organizational-methodological and resultative-evaluative components. The parameters of the development of the school class, as well as indicators of the levels of development of the personality of the adolescent in the context of the development of the class as a group, are singled out. A complex of psychological-pedagogical conditions is given, thanks to which the effective implementation of the model is possible. It is suggested that if in the course of class development most learners develop a positive experience of joint activity, group communication and the manifestation of creative individuality, then the class can be regarded as a factor in the education of older adolescents.
upbringing, factors of upbringing, model, school class development, personality development, older teens, Psychological-pedagogical conditions, joint activities, group communication, manifestation of creative individuality.

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