Belokopytov Yuriy Nikolaevich
Доктор психологических наук, Department of Theory and Methods of Social Work, the law Institute of Federal State Autonomous educational institution, Siberian Federal University, iura.belov@yandex.ru, Krasnoyarsk
Panasenko Galina Vasilievna
Доктор философских наук, Prof., Member of dissertation Council D 212. 099.17 at the Federal STATE Autonomous educational institution, Siberian Federal University, galina-panasienko@mail.ru, Krasnoyarsk


In the content of the article the unconscious is concerned as a virtual reality, the dark side of the psyche which is not controlled by our consciousness. This phenomenon is multi-layered and plays an important role in determining the probabilistic behavior of an individual. The concepts of outstanding scientists Z. Freud, K. Jung, J. Lacan are analyzed. The peculiarities of the psychic and psychical phenomena layers, which are little researched, are studied. The interrelations between the layers of the unconscious are traced: personal, collective, psychoid, and three worlds by L. Binswanger. Particular attention is paid to the archetypes of the manifestation of the unconscious, the connection of the unconscious and the creativity of an individual. The personality is examined on an integral model, aspects of its normal and pathological manifestation. It is justified that the alternation of chaos and order is «registered in the memory» of the collective unconscious. This finds its manifestation in chaotic upheavals, that is the periodic change of one social structure by another. A hypothesis of the connection of the unconscious with the physical world is being constructed.
unconscious, collective unconscious, social destruction, harmony and disharmony, archetypes.

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2. Belokopytov, Yu. N., Panasenko, G. V., 2015. Conceptual model of consciousness as a self-organization of Leibniz monads. Philosophy of Education, 3, pp. 122–132. (In Russ., аbstract in Eng.)
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