Ushakova Elena Vladimirovna
Senior lecturer, of the Department of Pedagogics and methodics of primary education, the Institute of Childhood, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, elekta@nxt.ru, Novosibirsk

Some features of teaching younger students the russian language (based on the results of monitoring the quality of traning)

The article reveals the role of monitoring, knowledge assessment and skills of junior schoolchildren; based on the results of monitoring the training quality of junior schoolchildren – analysis of the results of the diagnostic works of the Russian language, including All-Russian tests (statistical data are presented), typical students’ language mistakes and recommendations for the primary school teacher for their elimination and prevention. The article contains practical advice to the teacher for working on problem topics of the discipline Russian language; the tasks on phonetics, lexicology, morphology, syntax, spelling of the Russian language are proposed and analyzed, and attention is also paid to working with the text in the primary school: defining the topic of the text, formulating its main idea, dividing the text into microtexts, and formulating the microtemes.
education, junior schoolchildren, Russian language, typical mistakes, phonetic work, syntax, homogeneous terms of the sentence, text, microtext, microteam

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9. Ushakova, E. V., 2015. The resources of development universal educational actions of junior schoolchildren (meta-subject results) when working with text on lessons of the Russian language. Modern directions of psychological and pedagogical support of childhood. Materials of scientific-practical seminar. Novosibirsk: NSPU Publ., pp. 112–118. (In Russ.)