Lazareva Irina Nikolaevna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Assoc. Prof., Department of Special Translation, Far Eastern Federal University, lazar_irina@mail.ru, Vladivostok


The global tendency for open societies development offers mainstream orientation toward intellectually-educated personality. The relevance of the presented thematic focus is justified by a new channel of educative goals to encourage higher order thinking in prospective professionals. The object of the paper is supposed to gain attention of practising teachers to operational component for cultivating the generic and domain-specific knowledge base of prospective professionals and suggest a contemplation of the procedure. The possibility proposed in the article revolves around implication in the educative process high-grade questioning as a vehicle to enhance students’ intelligence and careful thinking. In the issue of interpretative paradigm implementation in Foreign Language classes, the methodical guidelines have been worked out to shine a light on the specifics and opportunities of hermeneutic method for cultivating a competence of effective communication in the course of socioeconomic and humanitarian studies.
cognitively complex activities, complex communication, interpretative paradigm, high-grade questions, blended learning

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