Pyatkov Alexandr Sergeyevich
Postgraduate student of teaching technologies, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky, polosatiy_lis@mail.ru, Kokshetau, Kazakhstan


This article describes the pedagogical bases of formation of a democratic culture in children’s public organizations. It is characterized by the process of the democratization of education in modern conditions. Children’s Non-Governmental Organization is seen as a structure part of the educational space, organically combining education, training and personal development of the child. Activity in the children’s public organization contributes to the development of many of their personal qualities (eg, the search for optimal solutions independent), defining the social activity of children in the future. The author of the article defined criterial evaluation of the implementation of the personal approach in the activities of children’s public organizations, as well as describe the role and functions of the adults in the children’s pool.
democratic culture, democratic pedagogy, children’s movement, student-centered approach, social and cultural potential

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