Dmitriev Aleksey Andreevich
Доктор педагогических наук, Prof., of the Faculty of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, Moscow State Regional University, aa.dmitriev@mgou.ru, Moscow
Verkhoturova Natalia Yuryevna
Кандидат психологических наук, Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Special Psychology at the Institute of Social and Humanitarian Technologies, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astaf’ev, verhotyrovs@mail.ru, Krasnoyarsk


The article presents a socio-psychological analysis of the problem of studying the emotional response, its structure and phenomenological essence. The content of emotional response mechanism as the multilevel and multi-component system through the description of its main structural components, essential characteristics and functions. Analyzes the scientific approaches of domestic and foreign authors as an understanding of the phenomenological nature of emotional responses, identify its essential characteristics and diversity of functions and scientific and methodological developments to the determination of the structural and hierarchical organization and systematics of the phenomenon under study. The author’s decision in determining the key characteristics of the emotional response is presented and their content is disclosed. Based on the analysis of existing scientific approaches necessity to develop integrated research devoted to holistic multi-dimensional study of its structural components and characteristics of tiered organization. The problems and perspectives of research in this area are discussed.
emotional reaction, emotional reactions, components of emotional response, characteristics of emotional response, multi-level system of emotional regulation of behavior

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