Smirnova Irina Eduardovna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Pedagogy, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Moscow City Pedagogical University, SmirnovaIE@mgpu.ru, Moscow


Introduction. In modern conditions, in the pedagogical theory and practice are reflected today’s trends and accents in the understanding of the problems of development of the individual and society. Thus, one of the leading areas of research are the problems of entering the individual into modern society, that is, the problems of socialization. In this regard, much attention is paid to the so-called environmental approach, in which the emphasis falls on the study of various factors and conditions of the environment in which the life of the emerging personality proceeds. In the context of this approach, any activities of the child (including music) are considered as a factor of his socialization. As is known, for socialization, the environment is of decisive importance-its subject, spatial, temporal, communicative and other characteristics. All these characteristics are combined together in what is called “everyday life”. The purpose of this article is to prove the possibility of a reconstruction of the everyday life of pupils of musical schools through analysis of comments on Internet forums. Materials and Methods. We used the integrated environmental, activity-based and competency-based approaches; analytic-synthetic methods, the method of comparative analysis the method of content analysis. The results of the study. The results of the analysis of statements of participants of Internet forums about the period of study at the school; highlighted key areas such memories; the characteristic relations to teaching in the music school and to the memories of classes, teachers and peers; characterized by the peculiarities of everyday life of pupils of musical schools of the second half of the twentieth century. Discussion and Conclusions. In the pilot study carried out, it was possible to record the deep emotional experience of the participants of the forums of the period of training in the music school in all the features of its everyday life. This makes scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the article. The practical significance lies in the fact that during the study in the daily life of music school students the most pronounced areas of memories were identified and characterized, which will become “fulcrum” during the interviewing of respondents at the further stages of the study in order to reconstruct the daily life of students who studied at the music school.
social and pedagogical reconstruction of everyday life, music school, statement, memory

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