Zhulanova Valentina Pavlovna
Кандидат химических наук, Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Information Technologies, Kuzbass regional institute of professional development and retraining of education workers, zhulanova51@gmail.com, Kemerovo
Kiryukhina Tatyana Leonidovna
Senior Lect., Chair of Information Technologies, Kuzbass regional institute of professional development and retraining of education workers, kiruhinatl@gmail.com , Kemerovo
Fomichev Roman Sergeevich
Кандидат педагогических наук, Head of the Department of Information Technologies, Kuzbass regional institute of professional development and retraining of education workers, rf87@mail.ru, Kemerovo

The organization of educational activity of trainers aimed for forming the skills of safe information search in informatics lessons

Problem. Formation of skills of safe information search in the Internet is one of the main requirements for soft skills-results of education at all levels of general education while studying of all school subjects. The article notes the problem of the lack of targeted development in students of the skills to search for information in the global network. The purpose of the article: to focus on this problem and to offer a methodology for organizing the educational activities of students of the basic school in mastering theoretical knowledge and practical skills in information retrieval. Methodology. The theoretical basis for the proposed methodology for the formation of information retrieval skills is the study of the essence of the concept of “information retrieval”, the methods and principles of information retrieval and selection established in research practice. The article substantiates the necessity of mastering the methods of collective work in the search for scientific information and methods for searching for information in social systems, presents the methods and conditions for organizing the safe search for information by students on the Internet. According to the results of the study, a technological map of the informatics lesson in the form of a game on the topic “Searching of information on the Internet” is proposed. Practical tasks and resources are offered for the organization of educational activities. An overview of resources for the organization of parental control of children’s activities on the Internet is given.
Search information, safety of children on the Internet, universal educational actions, informational culture, technological map of the lesson

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