Bolshunova Nataliya Ykovlevna
Доктор психологических наук, Dr.Sci. (Psycholog.), Prof., Novosibirsk state pedagogical university, nat_bolshunova@mail.ru, Novosibirsk
Aleshchenko Maxim Mikhailov
The officer of Department of Combat Training, Management of East district of Troops of national guard of the Russian Federation, maksimaleshenko@mail.ru, Khabarovsk


The article considers discipline as a character trait necessary for successful service in the troops of the national guard. The concept of discipline in the research of various authors, the change in the content of this category in the context of the modern socio-cultural situation, the role of discipline and disciplinary record in the activities of military personnel are shown. A model of the structure of discipline is presented and its main components are described. The dichotomic model of the structure of discipline is grounded, which includes the subjective qualities of a person, the volitional sphere of the personality, the value-semantic features of the personality, the predictors of each component are described. In accordance with the dichotomous model, ideas about the two extreme types of discipline are formulated: internal, conscious, ascending to value bases; And an external, conformist, pragmatic basis. In an empirical study, three types of military discipline are identified and described, differing significantly in the parameters of its structure: the conflict type, which approaches its internal manifestations to internal discipline, but requires the serviceman to further self-determination to the requirements of military discipline; Diffuse discipline (external, unformed) and harmonious, with the severity of which the serviceman is adapted to the requirements of military discipline and accepts it without internal resistance. Demonstrated the need for modern socio-cultural conditions of special work on the development of discipline in the troops of the National Guard.
discipline, military discipline, disciplinary record, character, dichotomous structure of discipline, types of discipline.

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