Ipatenkova Yulia Andreevna
Без ученой степени, PHD student, Northeast Nornal University, unior7@mail.ru, China, Changchun

The essence of the concept «comparison» in comparative padagogy

Problem and purpose. The article actualizes the importance of understanding the essence of the concept of “comparison” due to the vagueness of the terms of the conceptual and terminological apparatus as one of the reasons for the low descriptive level of comparative pedagogical researches in many countries. The purpose of this article is to reveal the essence of the concept of “comparison” and identify its special role for comparative pedagogy. Methodology. The article reveals the essence of the concept “comparison” at three levels: comparison as a mental process, comparison as a scientific method and comparison as a comparative view. Comparison as a mental process is inherent in every person, it helps us to know the world and put ideas about objects and phenomena. Comparison as a scientific method appeared as a result of the development of science, which helped it to move from a simple mental process to more scientific level. The article notes that the comparative scientific method is used in many branches of science and it is not the key content of “comparison” in comparative pedagogy. The author emphasizes that in comparative pedagogy, as well as in all other comparative branches of sociological science, “comparison” implies not just a mental process and a method of scientific cognition, but also a higher level – “comparative view”, through which the researcher can look at the subject of his research from different angles and improve its understanding. Conclusion. After the revealing the essence of “comparison” at three levels, the author emphasizes that comparative pedagogical researches in many countries are faced with a common problem - formal and descriptive level of research, so the understanding of the true essence of “comparison” as a comparative view is necessary for improving the quality of research and also the professional competence of people engaged in research in the field of comparative pedagogy.
comparison, comparative method, comparative vision, comparative education, nature

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