Malyshev Vladimir Sergeevich
Postgraduate student, Saint Tikhon's Orthodox humanitarian university, malyshev.v@pstgu.ru, Moscow


Problem statement. The relevance of the essential analysis of the concept of “information educational environment of the university” is due to the implicitness of the meanings of related concepts widely used in the scientific literature, regulations and professional life and a wide range of context to discuss the problem. The purpose of the article is to identify and determine the content of the concept of information educational environment of the university, reflecting the technological and pedagogical context. Methodology. The study was conducted on the basis of two methodological lines. The first is a review of scientific and pedagogical literature on the problems of the use of information educational environments in higher education. The main objective of the review was to systematize the semantic structure of the information educational environment of the university, its technological component on the basis of three selected criteria: the working definition of the information educational environment of the university, the context of application, characteristics and functionality. The task of the second methodological line is to study the pedagogical properties of the environment: the pedagogical influence of the environment on the educational process, its technological effectiveness (pedagogically meaningful set of methods and tools for building an educational environment). In the study, the author relied on the approach of the environment in education (Y. S. Manuilov). Results and conclusion. The pedagogically conditioned interrelation of structural components of information educational environment of higher education institution and the factors influencing educational results on the basis of what the author’s definition of concept is given is revealed. The results of the analysis represent the information educational environment of the University as a leading means of educational activity of the student, offer detailed tools and theoretical basis for pedagogical design and modeling in promising areas of higher education. The provisions of the article were presented at the XXIX Annual Theological conference of St. Tikhon’s University, section of students and young scientists of the faculty of pedagogy of St. Tikhon’s University “Actual problems of modern pedagogical science in the context of Orthodox traditions” 23 Jan 2019.
informatization of education; information educational environment of the university; environmental approach in education

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