Stepanova Marina Vladimirovna
Chief Foreign language Teacher Trainer, Corporation “Rossiyskiy Uchebnik”, stepanova.m.v@bk.ru, Moscow

Teacher of Foreign Language Didactic-Methodological Competence in Choosing and Adapting a School Textbook in The Educational Process as One of the Main indicators of Teacher’s Professional Development Level

The article considers the relationship between the development of didactic-methodological competence as a component of teacher professional competence and the process of choosing a textbook and its adaptation in the educational process. The author of the article compares the term “didactic – methodological competence” with the terms “methodological competence” and “lingua-methodological competence”, analyzes the components of it and corresponds them to the types of teacher’s actions of choosing and adapting textbook into the educational process. It is presented on the example of one of the most topical foreign language education themes today – compulsory study of the second foreign language, teaching foreign languages according to the requirements of standard and some problems which exist in this field. Considering the problem of choosing and adapting the textbook into educational process as a methodological task the author underlines the demand and necessity to estimate the level of teacher’s professional competence as a whole and didactic-methodological competence as its essential component according to the competence approach – from the point of analyzing teacher’s actions and decisions.
didactic-methodological competence, professional competence, school textbook, standard, competence approach, second foreign language, methodological task

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