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Mirzaboеv Zikrillo Ziyodulloеvich
Thе Tеachеr of thе Dеpartmеnt of Drawing, Dеscriptivе Gеomеtry and Tеaching Mеthods, Khujand Statе Univеrsity namеd aftеr Acadеmician B. Gafurov, zikrillo.mirzoboе, Khujand


This article is devoted to the history of the emergence of moral and aesthetic education in Central Asia and its cultural values. The article examines the role of moral and aesthetic education in the visual arts, analyzes the moral and aesthetic ideas of the peoples of Central Asia, based on the philosophical point of view of thinkers of the Middle East. Having studied the features of a brief history of moral, philosophical and aesthetic education, we can conclude that the listed academic subjects are closely interrelated and are considered an integral part of the moral and aesthetic education of the peoples of Central Asia, which are based on the philosophical views of the Middle East thinkers. The author, based on the results of ethnopedagogical analysis, historical and art history literature and special studies, believe that the moral and aesthetic education of the people in the spirit of unity and love for the Motherland should begin, first of all, in the family, in kindergarten and school through the widespread use of fine art art.
culture, visual arts, morality, miniature, engraving, modeling, carving, pottery, jewelry, chasing, embroidery, national traditions, philosophy, aesthetics

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