Dzhurinskiy Alexander Naumovich
Доктор педагогических наук, Prof. of the Department of pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University, djurins@yandex.ru, Moscow

Digital Education in Western Europe and the USA: Hopes and Reality

The pedagogical community of the West connects with the introduction of the newest technical means of hope to get out of the crisis of education. Proponents of technical determinism believe that the latest electronic devices will help eliminate academic failure problems, establish cooperation between teachers and students, differentiate studies, adjust methods and forms of education, and optimize educational expenses. The educational potential of the Internet is increasing, where the virtual contact between the teacher and the student, as well as between students, takes place. The USA was the first to start the theoretical substantiation and practical mastering of the latest information technologies in education. Today the computerization of the American school is inclusive. Comprehension and implementation of information technology also goes to pedagogy and educational institutions in Western Europe. New information technologies have proven to be indispensable in the education systems of Western Europe and the USA. Special training classes are being created, equipped with the latest technology, national distance learning centers using electronic means. At the same time, the use of digital education in the West creates pedagogical risks and problems. Training computer programs are often copies of traditional textbooks. There are not enough teachers owning new equipment. The problem of students’ health is not closed. School in the West does not effectively help students master the latest information technologies.
Digital education, information technology education, digital education in the USA, digital education in Western Europe

1. Delbanko, A., 2015. College. What It Was, Is, and Should Be. Moscow: Moscow State University Publ., 256 p. (In Russ.)
2. Dzhurinskiy, A. N., 2017. Higher Education in the Modern World: Trends and Challenges. Moscow: Prometheus Publ., 186 p. (In Russ.)
3. Dzhurinskiy, A. N., 1991. New technologies in the education system of France. Soviet pedagogy, No. 4, pp. 132–136. (In Russ.)
4. Dzhurinskiy, A. N., 2014. Comparative Education. Challenges of XXI Сentury. Moscow: Prometheus Publ., 328 p. (In Russ.)
5. Dzhurinskiy, A. N., 2016. Comparative Education. Moscow: Yurayte Publ., 353 p. (In Russ.)
6. Results of ICILS 2013. Audouin F. La Pedagogie Assistee Cybernetique et Enseignement. P., 1971 [online]. Available at: http://icils2013.acer.edu.au/ (accessed: 18.02.2019). (In Eng.)
7. Computer Science FdSc [online]. Available at: http://www.staffs.ac.uk/course/SSTK-12304.jsp (accessed: 18.02.2019). (In Eng.)
8. Crowder, N. A., 1960. Automatic training by intrinsic programming. In: Teaching Machines and Programmed Learning. NEA Publ. (In Eng.)
9. Skinner, B., 1968. The Technology of Teaching. New York. (In Eng.)