Deich Boris Arkad’evich
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Аssoc. Prof., Head of the theory and methodology of educational systems department, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, deich67@mail.ru, Novosibirsk
Chelcov Mihail Vladimirovich
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Аssoc. Prof. Theory and Methodology of Educational Systems Department, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, miki7575@mail.ru, Novosibirsk

Civil-Patriotic Events as a Form of Patriotic Upbringing: Evaluation of Results

Problem and Aim. The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of patriotic upbringing, as one of the important types of upbringing activities in the modern Russian state. The relationship between the concepts of “patriotism” and “citizenship” is being studied. itizenship is considered as one of the basic personality traits, the development of citizenship contributes to the formation of patriotic feelings. The article also analyzes approaches to the organization of patriotic upbringing defined by modern authors. The potential of civil-patriotic events, as well as events related to public holidays and memorable dates in the formation of civic qualities and patriotic feelings in different age groups of the population (youth, middle-aged people, elderly people) is studied. The results of the study are shown, the purpose of which was to determine the attitude of the residents of Novosibirsk to events of a civil - patriotic orientation as a whole, the quality of their conduct and their opinion on the possible influence of these events on the formation of civic qualities and patriotic feelings. The purpose of the article is to determine the potential of civil-patriotic events for the patriotic upbringing of citizens of different age groups, based on an analysis of civil-patriotic events in Novosibirsk. The methodological basis of the study is the understanding of citizenship as one of the basic integrative personal qualities that allow you to feel like a full and full member of society, with awareness of responsibility to society for your actions, involvement in the fatherland and its history. At the same time, a citizen in his development relies on a sense of patriotism, which is its integral component. To a certain extent, citizenship and patriotism can be considered one of the main components of the moral foundations of life.
civil-patriotic education, patriotism, citizenship, civil-patriotic events

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