Kucherevskaya Marina Olegovna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Deputy Director for scientific and methodical work Instituta iskusstv, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, keymarina@mail.ru, Novosibirsk
Shalyapin Oleg Vasilyevich
Доктор педагогических наук, Prof., head of the Department of Fine Arts, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, shalyapin.oleg@mail.ru, Novosibirsk

The Principle of Continuity in Continuing Art Education

The article actualizes the problem of continuity in the continuous art education of modern Russia, and expresses an opinion about the inconsistency of reforms in its structure. The authors of the article suggest a mechanism that contributes to the preservation of continuity in the system of continuing art education. The purpose of the article is to justify the need for organizational changes at each stage of continuous art education (School – College – University), ensuring the continuity of this system. Methodology. The research is based on systematic and institutional approaches that allow, on the one hand, to identify a violation of continuity in the structure of continuing art education, and, on the other, to determine the positive and negative consequences of reform in the structures of continuing art education. The main method of research is theoretical (analysis of normative documents and literature on the research problem, analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization and interpretation of data). Research result. The system of continuing art education in Russia consists of several levels. The goals, tasks, and content of each level have both common features (focused on the progress of the student from ignorance to knowledge, from inability to ability), and various features (related to the characteristics of the age and the available level of education of students). At the same time, the ill-considered innovations, the transfer of education to the service sector, and the resulting competition between organizations that are part of the continuous art education structure, violated the principle of continuity in it. For example, one of the negative consequences was the excessive duplication of the content of secondary professional and University art and pedagogical education. Conclusion. In conclusion, the authors cite a set of steps that will solve the identified negative consequences of the reforms and strengthen continuity in continuing art education.
continuing education, continuing art education, continuing education, continuity, fine arts

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