Registration Info
Registration data.
The full name of the reviewed scientific periodic printed edition – «Siberian Pedagogical Journal».
The founder of the reviewed scientific periodic edition – Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.
The year of foundation of the reviewed scientific periodical edition – 2003.
The reviewed scientific periodical edition "Siberian Pedagogical Journal" was registered by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Press, Broadcasting and Mass Communications (certificate ПИ № 77-16812 of 20 November 2003). In connection with the renaming of the Founder, the Federal Department for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications made amendments in the certificate of registration of the Journal (ПИ № ФС77-52466 21.01.2013)
Address of the official site (site pages) of the reviewed scientific edition in the information-telecommunication network - Internet:
The page address in the Internet, where free full-text version of the reviewed scientific edition is hosted: Free full-text version of the Journal is also hosted on the platform of НЭБ (Scientific Electronic Library):
The territory of distribution of the journal – The Russian Federation.
Languages of the journal – Russian, English (the English version of the journal is hosted on
The journal is registered in Paris in the International registration directory (4.11.2004), registration number – ISSN 1813-4718
"Siberian Pedagogical Journal" is included in the Russian science citation index (РИНЦ) and Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.
"Siberian Pedagogical Journal" is included in the List of leading reviewed scientific journals and publications, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for application on such scientific degrees as doctor and candidate of Sciences.
Since the year 2013 the frequency of releases of the journal - 6 times a year.
Distributed by subscription and retail.
Subscription index in the directory of «Post of Russia» 32358
Subscription index in the directory of «Роспечать» 40633
© Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University», 2016.
© Siberian Pedagogical Journal, 2016.