Urazikova Yuliya Valeryevna
Teacher of the Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Medical College, Ulia.climowa2015@yandex.ru, Saratov

Traditional Approaches to the Organization of Independent Work of Students

The problem and the goal. The problem of organizing independent work of students has now become even greater due to distance learning, since now it is necessary to revise and modernize the organization of the educational process. The purpose of the article analyze the opinions of various authors on the role of independent work in the learning process, compare their approaches. Methodology. The study was conducted on the basis of studying the modern educational environment. It is not easy to teach a student to study independently. To organize a full-fledged independent work, it is necessary: – Create favorable conditions for the organization of work. – Teach to set specific goals. The student knows what he should get from a large amount of information, what to pay attention to. – Teach you how to plan your work. If you do not follow a certain plan, you can spend a lot of time, but you will not achieve results. – Teach to choose the means of learning. The student should know what will help him better in acquiring knowledge on a specific topic. He doesn’t just have to review articles, videos, textbooks, you need to teach him to find meaningful information from certain sources. Analyzing the psychological and pedagogical literature, we understand that the concept of “Independent work” is revealed from different sides. The main thing for the teacher is to analyze all sides, choose the most optimal ones for himself, which are suitable for both the student and the teacher, which will be applied only in the interests of the student.
traditional approaches, independent work, students, educational environment, students, the problem of organizing independent work, the educational process

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