378.147:51 + 378.31
Nekrasov Vladimir Petrovich
Кандидат технических наук, Professor of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies, Urals Technical Institute of Communication and Computer Science, nvp1947@mail.ru, Ekaterinburg

Linguistic representation as metacognitive invariant when creating innovative training course

Proposed is an approach to form higher school students cognitive competences by including into the methods system metasubject concept links consisting of the metacognitive invariants. The trajectory of the material presentation considering concepts relationship enables to “joint” logically remote parts of the course to ensure that the students develop a more precise knowledge of its separate elements integrative character. The approach facilitates the students to understand the ideal and methodological integrity of the course and the teachers to demonstrate in depth relationship of the discipline separate elements. Depicted is a role of the metacognitive invariant ‘language presentation’ when developing in innovatiue academic course.
metacognitive competences, metasubject skills, concept links, language presentation