Yanova Marina G.
Доктор педагогических наук, Doctor of Sciences in Pedagogy, Professor, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafiev, ymg_boss@mail.ru, Krasnoyarsk
Tsarskaya Tatyana S.
Lecturer, Surgut State University, zts40@mail.ru, Surgut

Motivation of Future Doctors to Master the Skills of Foreign-Language Professional Communication

Problem and purpose. The article actualizes the problem of forming the skills of foreign-language professional communication in future doctors. The aim of the article is to study the motivation of future doctors to master the skills of foreign-language professional communication by means of diagnostic tools application. Methodology. In order to study motivation of future doctors in the direction of “General Medicine” and “Pediatrics” training for mastering skills of foreign language professional communication the method of questioning was used. Periods of conducting and number of respondents: 2018 – 120 respondents; 2019 – 109 respondents; 2020 – 179 respondents; 2021 – 180 respondents. The total number of respondents for the entire period is 588 people. Motivation diagnostics was carried out on the basis of questionnaire to determine social, personal and communicative motives to master a foreign language by E. I. Passova, N. D. Galskova, the adapted methods of studying motivation in high school by T. Ilyina. Resuming the diagnostic work to determine the motivation for forming foreign language professional communication skills in future doctors revealed that: according to the questionnaire of E. I. Passova, N. D. Galskova the percentage of future doctors who claim that a foreign language will be useful to them in their future life and profession from 2018 to 2021 were 79–81 %; according to the adapted method of T. I. Ilyina from 2018 to 2021, the following results were obtained: the indicator “desire to acquire knowledge in a foreign language” from 2018 to 2021 was 73–83%; the indicator “the desire to master the professional skills of foreign language communication” – 75–82 %. The high percentage indicates the adequate attitude of most of the students of medical training in the specialities “General Medicine”, “Pediatrics” to mastering the skills of foreign-language professional communication.
foreign-language professional communication, future doctors, motivation, questioning, diagnostics

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