Bocharova Julia Yurevna
Кандидат педагогических наук, associate professor, assistant professor of Department of social pedagogy and social work, Krasnoyarsk state pedagogical University. B. N. Astaf'eva, bocharova1305@kspu.ru, Krasnoyarsk

Modelling Ecosystems of Pedagogical Education in the Postnonclassical Paradigm

The problem of modelling open systems in education, in which non-linear processes take place, requires the use of postnonclassical methodology. Reflection of the reality of pedagogical education which exists in the form of an ecosystem of formal institutions, urban educational formats, educational platforms and communities of practice playing an important role in the development of a future teacher, is possible when building a dynamic model for the development of a professional community and a teacher in it. Research methodology and methods: social constructionism and synergetics as a general scientific methodology of postnonclassical science, analogy, action research, interviews, network analysis, modelling, mathematical description of a model. The purpose of the article is to characterize the application of modelling as a particular methodology in the postnonclassical paradigm of the study of pedagogical education and to propose a prototype of mathematical description of the local (regional) ecosystem of open pedagogical education. The results were obtained during constructing the model in a temporary research team by modelling in action (by the Action Research type) on the local system of engineering and technology education in Krasnoyarsk. Attractors-competences and lead functions have been identified, mathematical coefficients have been developed to track the dynamics of the development in the ecosystem of pedagogical education based on the growth of diversity in the system. In conclusion, specific characteristics of modelling pedagogical education in the postnonclassical paradigm have been highlighted.
postnonclassical methodology; pedagogical education; dynamic models

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