Beregovaya Oksana Alexandrovna
Кандидат философских наук, Cand. Sci. (Philosoph.), Assoc. Prof. of the Department of International Relations and Humanitarian Cooperation, Siberian Institute of Management, Branch of RANEPA, zaroza@mail.ru, Novosibirsk
Yurchenko Margarita Alekseevna
Teacher of the Department of International Relations and Humanitarian Cooperation, the Department of Foreign Languages and Linguodidactics, Siberian Institute of Management, Branch of RANEPA, yurchenko-maa@ranepa.ru, Novosibirsk

Peculiarities of Virtual Internationalzation of Novosibirsk Region Higher Education Institutions in the Context of Modern Agenda

The article foregrounds the issue of the development of virtual internationalization on the example of universities in Novosibirsk region. The article focuses on the key trends in the export of Russian higher education. The purpose of the article is to analyze the websites of the universities in Novosibirsk region as a key mechanism for recruiting international students and to develop recommendations for their modernization. Methodology. The study was conducted on the basis of the methodology of the RIAC report “Digital Internationalization: English-language Internet Resources of Russian Universities” (2015), which implies the identification of 10 target groups of potential audience of a university website and 16 semantic blocks filled with specific questions which allow to assess the degree of virtual internationalization. The binary evaluation system (yes/no) enables the formation of a cumulative score and conducting a comparative analysis of universities in the region both in terms of the overall rating and within the semantic blocks. The result of the implementation of this methodology is an analytical report on the features of the virtual internationalization of universities in modern conditions on the example of the Novosibirsk region. The developed recommendations are useful both for the international departments of universities and their administration, and for the regional ministries of education, since they might serve as a basis for developing a strategy for improving the websites of universities and thus favoring the export of higher education in the Russian Federation coming not only from capital universities, but also in the regions. In conclusion, it is admitted that self-positioning of a university in a virtual environment in the context of education export cannot be overestimated, since today the success in increasing the international students’ inflow to the regions of the Russian Federation depends on the virtual internationalization.
higher education internationalization; education export; international students; university website; virtual internationalization; promotion; pandemic

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