Yanova Marina G.
Доктор педагогических наук, Doctor of Sciences in Pedagogy, Professor, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafiev, ymg_boss@mail.ru, Krasnoyarsk
Shevchuk Julia V.
Кандидат педагогических наук, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafiev, shevjulia@mail.ru, Krasnoyarsk

Scientific and Methodological Support as a Condition for Securing Teachers of Educational Organizations in the Profession

The meaning of scientific-methodological and methodical accompanying of teachers are opened. The factors and conditions of teachers’ support are considered, the forms of methodological support implemented by the methodological service of the educational organization are declared. The aim of the article is to study the meaning of scientific-methodological and methodical accompanying, to define functions and conditions of its’ realization. Methodology. To study precondition for the “launch” of processes of selfregulation and creative initiatives of teacher in professional activity and necessity of using differential approach at teachers’ scientific-methodological and methodical accompanying the method of questioning used. The subjects were offered methods to identify difficulties in professional activity, to identify the need for teachers to be accompanied by mentors in the process of activity and their participation in the mentoring program. The results of the study were manifested in specific quantitative and qualitative indicators: 16 out of 18 young teachers confirmed that they are aware of the need to be accompanied by more experienced mentors: they need help in organizing the educational process, in solving educational tasks with students. In terms of scientific-methodological and scientific-methodological support, novice teachers (all 18 students) noted that they need support in the development and implementation of textbooks, programs and other regulatory documents, the preparation of scientific articles and research. Before the implementation of the program, potential participants were offered questionnaires, the answers to the questions in which determined their desire to become a real professional. So, to the question “Would you like to improve your professional level?” 18 people (100%) confirmed their desire; to the question “Do you need the support and support of experienced mentors?” 16 people (83%) answered positively; to the question “Are you ready for self-improvement and self-development?” 18 people (100%) gave affirmative answers. In the process of implementing the mentoring program, young teachers participated in the development of group projects, collectively solved tasks with students within the framework of case, quest, triz technologies. Upon completion of pedagogical influences, young teachers began to feel more confident in solving educational and educational tasks with pupils, did not have difficulties in the ability to build trajectories of interaction, showed the ability to form a comfortable psychological climate in the classroom. Students under the guidance of young teachers, united by a single motive, began to show interest in learning, took part with interest in creative design. They productively implemented the ideas of the teacher, which indicates an adequate attitude of the majority of respondents to the need to improve their professional growth.
support; scientific; methodological and methodical support of teachers; educational organization; differentiated approach

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