Vorontsova Anna V.
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Acmeology of Personality, Kostroma State University, annavorontsova@ksu.edu.ru, Kostroma
Vishnevskaya Oksana Nikolaevna
Кандидат психологических наук, Cand. Sci. (Psychol.), Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Acmeology of Personality, Kostroma State University, сherry14.88@mail.ru, Kostroma
Skvortsova Marina A.
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Acmeology of Personality, Kostroma State University, dobrutmarina@mail.ru, Kostroma
Korsakova Anastasia A.
Senior Lecturer, Department of Pedagogy and Acmeology of Personality, Kostroma State University, korsakova.a.a@mail.ru, Kostroma

Development of Educational Competences of Teachers in Organizations of Secondary Professional Education

Problem. The authors of the article substantiate the need for targeted work on the formation of educational competencies of college teachers. The need is determined by the change in the requirements of the state for education and the unwillingness of teachers to fulfill these requirements. The problem of the article: what are the effective ways and means of developing the educational competencies of teachers in secondary vocational education? The purpose of the article is to describe and substantiate the effectiveness of the proposed ways and means of developing the educational competencies of teachers in secondary vocational education. Methodology. The article presents a methodological description of activities for the development of educational competencies of teachers of secondary vocational education in the interaction “university-college”. The content, structure and forms of activity were designed on the basis of diagnostics of the current level of educational competencies of teachers. The assessment was carried out on the basis of the competency-based model of educational competencies according to three criteria - cognitive, motivational and practical. The identified problems and the request of the college teachers determined the topics of the seminars, as well as the choice of intensive forms of work. The quantitative-analytical design of the results of the conducted classes was based on data compared “before” and “after” (test-retest) participation in meetings, taking into account the statistical significance of the measured phenomena. To assess the effectiveness of the classes, a questionnaire and reflective reports of the participants after three meetings were used.
upbringing; educational competencies of the organization of secondary vocational education; secondary vocational education teacher; intensive forms of advanced training; diagnostics of educational competencies

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