Dulatova Zainep Asanalievna
Кандидат физико-математических наук, Cand. Sci. (Physico-mathemat.), Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Mathematics and Method of Teaching Mathematics, Irkutsk State University, dulatova@yandex.ru, Irkutsk
Kovyrshina Anna Ivanovna
Кандидат физико-математических наук, Cand. Sci. (Physico-mathemat.), Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Mathematics and Method of Teaching Mathematics, Irkutsk State University, annkow@mail.ru, Irkutsk
Lapshina Elena Sergeevna
Кандидат физико-математических наук, Cand. Sci. (Physical and mathematical), Assoc. Prof. of the Department of mathematics and method of teaching mathematics, Irkutsk State University, esl7828@gmail.com, Irkutsk
Shtykov Nikolay Nikolaevich
Кандидат физико-математических наук, Cand. Sci. (Physico-mathematical), Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Social and Economic Disciplines, Irkutsk State University, tukubik8@gmail.com, Irkutsk

On the Issue of Diagnostics of the Level of Formation of Logical Universal Learning Activities

The development of logical universal learning activities (ULAs) is one of the global aims of subject-based learning at school. In accordance with the standards of general education, special attention is paid to the formation of these ULAs. But at the same time the analysis of the demo version of the All-Russian test on mathematics for 4th grade students shows that the means of checking the formation of logical ULAs are poorly represented. Thus, the development of tools for diagnostics and development of logical skills of elementary school students remains an important research task. The purpose of our study is, on the one hand, to develop an approach to the use of specific analysis of the results of students’ solutions of logical problems with simple mathematical content in order to diagnose the level of formation of some types of logical ULAs. On the other hand, development of recommendations for organizing solutions of these problems, aimed at students’ conscious solution of logical ULAs. Methodology. From methodological point of view our research is based on psychological and pedagogical theories of the development of various thinking components, including empirical approaches to the formation and evaluation of mental actions in the process of learning mathematics. Results. In the article the results of the experiment on approbation of the problems with simple mathematical content developed by the authors, aimed at diagnosing the formation of some types of logical skills are represented. An original approach to the analysis of the results of the solution of problems for revealing the level of formation of certain types of logical ULAs is presented. According to our study most of the students are not able to perform abstracting, analyzing, synthesizing, comparing, generalizing, and specifying general logical actions in a stable way. Recommendations for organizing mathematics teaching aimed at the development of logical ULA are given. In conclusion the specifics of the developed approach to diagnostics of the level of logical ULA are described.
logical universal learning activities; diagnostics of the development of logical thinking; analysis; synthesis; abstraction; concretization

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