Lukyanov Oleg V.
Доктор психологических наук, Dr. Sci. (Psychol.). Prof., Head of the Department of Personality Psychology, Tomsk State University, lukyanov7@gmail.com, Tomsk

Existentials of the Digital age. Ideas about the Renewal of Psychological Dimensions

This article delves into the question on the harmony of modern psychology in the “digital” era. In light of the trends towards digitalization, we consider the problem of clarifying the systemic foundations of psychological dimensions (psychological scale). With the “digital” era the new dimensions in psychology are a form of reflection on the current imperative of transition to a new world order. We proposed a coordinate system based on the axes of complementarity of existentials of the “digitized world”: Axis of horizons (orders, “spaces”) “Digitalization for a person – a Human for digitalization” and Axis of poles (rotations, sequences, “times”) “Respect for the old – creation new.” The purpose of the study is to revise and clarify the assumptions about the future of psychology with the intentions of responding to the imperatives of the new, expected and created era that are symbolized by the metaphor of digitalization. Methodology and Research: System-anthropological psychology. Identification of correspondences, complementary relationships that correspond to the development trend and the form of presence. Based on the experience of generalizations, useful hypotheses of an orientational nature. In conclusion, the imperative for the emerging psychology is to clarify how presence and being correspond, with presence having priority. The trinity of fictitiousness, authenticity and personal responsibility is necessary to move to as a solution to the dilemma posed by just fictitiousness – authenticity. The challenge of the new world is not to choose a “good” digitalization and not to choose a “bad” one. Not “Either-Or”, but “And-And”. We should find new psychological dimensions to imitate life timely and be present in life timely. For a new reality, we need “new psychological organs” to differentiate.
development, discourse, creativity, responsibility, meaning; future; complementarity

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