Petrishchev Vladimir Innokentievich
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Prof. of Department No. 7 Language training, St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation named after Chief marshal of aviation A. A. Novikov, vpetrishchev2019@mail.ru, St. Petersburg, Russia
Soroka Alexandr V.
a 3d year student, St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation named after Chief marshal of aviation A. A. Novikov, sasha.soroka.0286@gmail.com, St. Petersburg, Russia
Lebedeva Natalia A.
Кандидат исторических наук, Cand. Sci. (History), Assist. Prof. of Department 7 «Language training», St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation named after Chief marshal of aviation A. A. Novikov, lebedevanatali@inbox.ru, St. Petersburg, Russia

Teaching professionally oriented English to aviation university students on the basis of an interdisciplinary project

The article actualizes the problem of organizing and conducting project activities related to the use of professionally oriented English in the aviation university. The importance of motivation in the process of teaching English is emphasized. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the effectiveness of the participation of students of the aviation university in project activities, contributing to their motivation in learning professionally oriented English with practical psychological and pedagogical support and with the involvement of disciplines from specialized departments of the university. Methodology and research methods. The study was conducted on the basis of an interdisciplinary project related to professionally oriented English, allowing students to develop their logical operations (analysis, synthesis, reasoning, generalization, conclusion, etc.), cognitive skills, critical thinking necessary to solve professional problems in a non-standard situations to take responsibility for them. This type of training also stimulates initiative and integrates acquired knowledge in other disciplines. The analysis of pedagogical, socio-psychological, scientific-methodical and special professional literature on the research problem was used as research methods; participant observation method, questioning, modeling, pedagogical experiment, analysis and processing of experimental data and reflection. Such a model of project-based teaching of professionally oriented English with the involvement of disciplines of specialized departments was implemented as part of an experimental scientific study at the aviation university in the discipline “Professionally oriented English”. Conclusion. The results obtained give grounds to conclude that project activities are an effective means of motivation in teaching students professionally oriented English at the aviation university with practical psychological and pedagogical support for this type of activity and with the disciplines of specialized departments.
professionally oriented English; student; fuel calculation; route; project; AN-24 aircraft

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